Monday, January 28, 2008


Winter in New Mexico is always remarkable--you just never know what the weather gods will serve up. We've recently had two weeks of dry and extremely cold weather, only to have rain commence upon us late yesterday evening.

This comes, of course, after I just found more ice.

Ice is the elusive and ever-mutable siren that calls to those of us wishing to reach her call with axes and crampons.

For years I've searched high and I've searched low. I've noticed ice forming up miles away and on rocks that I can barely see, while driving through our town's primary north-south intersection. I've sought out locations based on topographical images on maps, only to find snow, or rock, or nothing notable at all. I've kept the ice we have found secret for more than a decade in the hopes that people won't kick it down before we get our chance to lap up and down it.

And yesterday, while not even searching at all, I found a most remarkable stash of ice in an isolated and beautiful grotto that is still a not-too-long and easy walk in.

With the excitement of finding something new and beautiful, however, comes the rain, and the worry that the ice will get washed away.

But for now, we are hoping it is still intact for an ascent later on today.

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